Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Virtual Podium is Hosting the Music Education Carnival this Month!

I'm proud to present the February 2011 edition of the Music Education Blog Carnival here at The Virtual Podium!

It's exciting to be hosting this months Music Education Blog Carnival on my blog. It's such a big deal I even rolled out a new header for everyone! We are now accepting submissions for the upcoming Music Education Blog Carnival. With so many professional development things happening the upcoming weeks, this is the perfect time to get involved and keep it going right into February.

Please click here to be automatically sent to our Music Education Carnival submission page.

Who came up with this great idea?
The Music Education Blog Carnival was created and is maintained by Dr. Joseph Pisano of and Joel of in order to promote the great works being done
by Music Education Bloggers across the Internet and to provide useful Music Education related
information into the Internet “mainstream” quickly.

The Music Education Blog Carnival is published on the 1st of every month and is a recognized
member of the communities of blogs as indexed by All writings submitted to the
Music Education Blog Carnival are examined to ensure that they are valid, interesting, and related
to the topic of Music Education.

What is a Blog Carnival?
A Blog Carnival is way to extend and/or create a community of bloggers (and readers) that have
great things to say about a particular topic… in our case, Music Education. I know it's been help to this very blog.
A Blog Carnival functions as a mini-magazine or an online journal that is focused around a particular topic and is created by experts in the online community that submit their entries for inclusion. All entries are reviewed, each month, by the host to make sure that they are well-written, timely, topic-related, and of interest to the Blog Carnival’s readership.

Can I participate in this Carnival?
Anyone that has an online article or post, new or old, that has something positive to contribute to the topic of Music Education. Again, anyone may submit topic-related articles to the carnival; however, not all submissions may be included in the monthly edition.

How do I submit my article/blog post?
The online process is actually very easy. The Blog Carnival is being organized by and you can find the direct Music Education Submittal Page by following this link,

When can I submit?
Anytime you're feeling it! Just head to the Music Education Submittal page!

I look forward to reading your submissions, share this with friends/colleagues, and feel to check out the rest of my blog.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The New Year Begins!

What a beginning it's been! Jes and I have now been in Ohio for about 6 months. I'm a 6th of the way through my Master's program and it's getting a little more challenging(read I had my first music history course). So here's the plan for the year in a short list form.

- Keep working hard with WSU Pep Band. Enrollment is up to 62 from 19 when I get here. Next school year Im hoping to have an auditioned group.

- Keep looking for ways to move myself out of the score. I can't believe how much the band sees the top of my head...embarrassing. That's what video tape is for I guess.

- I hope my new doc can figure out this stomach pain issue I have. I'm actually kind of scared since no one has solved it and it's been a year. It feels weird to type it, but maybe it's good to just get it out there.

- GET MARRIED! Of course this is the biggest one for 2011. I'm so glad I've found such a wonderful women, who doesn't care that I'm a huge band dork. I hope the wedding is as awesome as it can be!

- Write more posts about the experiences of school, including more book reviews. I think it's a valuable resource for me and maybe it'll help some of you out there too.

- Get into a little better shape, which I plan on doing by playing soccer with some of the Centerville Staff.

- Study with the Legend, Wayne Markworth, while teching for the Centerville Jazz Band again. I hope that all pans out. I watched "From the 50 Yard Line" again last night and it leaves me with many questions about what just I will eventually want.

- Try more restaurants, events, sights, etc...around the area. This is the biggest place we've lived to date and I think we need to take more advantage of it.

- Attend at least one conducting workshop. I'm in for Ball State's, but I might to try to squeeze in one more.

- Present at IMEA with Keith O. We're talking about PLN's and hopefully it will be a big success. I think I'm going to try to do a similar presentation for a different state next year so we'll see how it goes.

- Lastly I'm doing the "365" photo a day thing. I think it will be some of the most interesting stuff I have. Why not document a year in one picture a day?

Now it's time drop the standard New Year's post and get to work. Book reviews are coming up as well as doing some history note organization!

What are you going to do with 2011?